We'll get you "hooked-up" with the best crochet classes, crochet tutorials, and crochet-a-longs.

Who Can Learn To Crochet

Anyone who has the desire to crochet is welcome to learn and create with Everyone Can Crochet's Yarn-iversity!

Throughout history, the fiber arts have always been a place of inclusion, a natural builder of loving communities. Crocheting and knitting both started as a way to quickly & easily make fabric for shaping into anything your heart desires (or you family needs!) - a talent that was passed down through generations of creative souls all over the globe.

Crochet has no age requirement or limit. 

Crochet has no geographic or racial boundaries.

Crochet has no set economic minimum or maximum expectations.

Crochet is not inherently politically, religiously, or stylistically-bound.

So, being a student of history, a lover of arts, beauty, & humanity, my philosophy for EveryoneCanCrochet was born from this place. 

If you want to be here, I'm delighted to have you join us. 

Crochet projects, tools, and techniques have practically unlimited personalization options, so I'm here to lead you through the best tricks of the trade (accumulated through a lifetime of loving this art form.)

Why Learn To Crochet

Word is out on the extraordinary potential health (& beyond!) benefits of becoming a crocheter.

Crocheting can help...

  1. Calm your nervous system through rhythmic, meditative action
  2. Increase cognitive ability with skills and projects that build new neural networks (fiber arts have been linked to a decreased risk of Alzheimers!!)
  3. Cope with mental or physical illness through stress reduction and relaxation or pain distraction (crocheting has been known to ease depression!)
  4. Increase joint mobility in your hands & arms
  5. Strengthen your emotional network through building friendships with other creative individuals
  6. Bolster your community by providing beautiful, personal gifts for your loved ones at any occasion
  7. Support environmental causes by recycling existing materials 
  8. Entertain your brain & hands on any length of trip with an affordable, portable activity
  9. Connect with the generations before or after you by learning online together
  10. Build self-esteem and confidence with each crochet accomplishment
  11. Relieve insomnia with an easy, repetitive activity
  12. Support your household with a little extra income by selling your finished products

And the list just keeps on growing...

If you're ready to see what this fun art form can do for you, click on the button below to get the Ultimate Beginners Guide To Becoming A Crocheter.

Ready to dive in to your first project? 

Schedule a free, 15-minute consultation to get to know me and see if private, online crochet classes are right for you. 

Or go ahead and snag a slot in my calendar using the scheduler below and we can get crocheting together!

New Yarniversity Classes Are Getting Hooked-Up As We Speak...

Thanks for your interest! 

Offerings coming soon include:

  • Free & Paid Yarniversity Crochet Tutorials
  • Group Crochet-A-Longs to meet other crafters, work on fun new designs, and grow your maker skillset

If you want to be the first to know when these opportunities are open for enrollment, enter your name & email below.